Monday, April 5, 2021

BCRR WEEKLY UPDATE - April 5th to April 11th



Sunday NEEDS Hydration!

Who likes water during the Sunday long runs? Especially in the summer! Our Sunday morning hydration team could use a little more help as people go on vacation. Please contact Loris - for more information on how to volunteer!



BCRR Work Day for Dan & Sheila

The BCRR Work Day for Dan & Sheila will be POSTPONED at this time due to Dan’s current medical needs. A rescheduled date will be announced when available. 


2021-2022 BCRR Board Elections


Dear BCRR,

The end of the current BCRR Board term is drawing near. We will hold a virtual election in May to elect a new board. This is my 3rd and final year as President. As such, there are several Board openings:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Member at Large

Please reach out if you are interested in running for one of the vacant offices. The continuation of this club depends on members who are willing to fulfill these leadership positions. Information regarding the club and officer positions can be found in the BCRR Bylaws

It has been 3 years full of fun and adventures leading the club, and I look forward to what is ahead for the next 3 years and beyond!!

~Christina Young


HARRA Spring Series



New Members:


We would like to give a giant welcome to the newest members of BCRR! We look forward to seeing you when club activities resume!



BCRR Birthdays:  

Happy Birthday to:

  • Larry Cullen, Oguzhen Guven, & Heidi Zimmerman Mulroony - April 5th

  • Eliza Leggatt - April 8th


Hope you have a spectacular day!!!




All social events are canceled at this time. 




Please note that times and locations have changed. 

Mellow Monday Run:

Location: Memorial Park Tennis Center

Time: **6:30PM**

Details: Join us every Monday for a 3 mile casual paced run around Memorial Park. 

Wednesday Run:

Location: First Christian Church 

Time: **6:30PM**

Details: No water will be provided following the run. Please be mindful of maintaining social distancing prior to and following club runs. We will not be permitted to utilize the restrooms within the church at this time. 

Friday Speedwork:

Location: Memorial Park Tennis Center

Time: 5:30AM

Details: Contact Peter Griffiths for more information-

Sunday Long Run:

Location: Memorial Park Tennis Center

Time: 6:30AM

Details: Individual water bottles will be placed in the 2 traditional locations - Shell Gas Station & Rose Garden. Please consider carrying your own hydration. 

**Please note that in cases of inclement weather, i.e. thunder & lightning, group runs will be cancelled for safety reasons. Check the BCRR Facebook Page for the latest updates on run cancellations**

If you are feeling ill, have a fever, or have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend club runs for 2 weeks. 


~BCRR Board