Monday, June 16, 2014

BCRR This Week, June 16 through 23, 2014


BCRR Birthdays:  Jay Hendrickson (June 16), Lloyd Luco (June 16), John Wacasey (June 16), Andrew Kenworthy (June 17), Don Brenner (June 19), Kim Gray * (June 20) and Lauren Wilder (June 23).  * = New age group


It's that time of year!!  Don't forget to renew your BCRR dues, either online, by mail or in person.  Membership forms can be found at:  Join or Renew

Join or Renew
There are two ways to join, or renew with, the club. Sign up ON-LINE HERE with a credit card using our secure, instant on-line membership form, provided by Sign-Me...
Preview by Yahoo
If your HARRA membership is current, prices are still $20 for individual memberships, $25 for family memberships (CHEAP!!).  Add $5 if you are not a HARRA member.  We will have paper applications this week at Valhalla if you want to pay in person.   This is also a great opportunity to update your contact information (address, phone, email) for our roster.



HARRA’s annual banquet and elections are Sunday, June 29th at the Saint Arnold's Brewery.   
Doors open at 6:30pm and the taps will close at 8:30pm! 
Come hear guest speaker, Steve Costello, former HARRA President and current city councilman.  He'll discuss regional development issues of interest to runners!  You can win the cost of your dinner back with all of the great prizes! 
We’ll have our usual free race entries to raffle off as well as awards for the fall and spring series and top volunteers!
Last but not least is the great dinner buffet catered by Saint Arnold's in addition to as much Saint Arnold's beer as you can drink.  (Don't drink, no worries. You get $10 off if you don't partake.)
We're limited to 100 guests, so please sign up early!   Prices: $25/$15 now and $35/$25 after June 15. 


Happy Hour (June 20, 2014, 6:00pm): Boehme CafĂ© and Wine Bar, 307 Fairview Street, 77006  

WEEKLY CLUB RUNSWednesday at Rice University: Every Wednesday evening we meet at 5:45 at Rice University (run leaves at 6 pm sharp!). All levels are welcome. And the best part is the cheap beer at Valhalla afterwards. Parking is available at First Christian Church/School (1628 Rice Boulevard).Friday Hills at Mount Bacon (Tanglewood):Join us for this weekly run from St. Martins Episcopal Church, 717 Sage Road to Mount Bacon. We meet in the church parking lot at the corner of Sage Road and Woodway Drive at 5:30 am. We have a 1.3 mile warm-up run to Mount Bacon and do 2 to 4 miles of hills with a 1.3 mile run back to the church.Sunday Long Run (Memorial Park, 6:30 AM): Join us for the weekly long run from Memorial Park zero-mile marker. We leave promptly at 6:30 and members typically run between 10 and 15 miles.    

REPORT YOUR RACE RESULTS We want to know what our members are doing on the roads and/or trails. Send all your results to us at ( <http://mc/compose? before the 20th day of the month and we’ll make sure they hit the next newsletter. 


WORD FROM THE BIRD wants to hear from you.  Feel free to contribute with any interesting running material you want to see in the newsletter.  The bird is always on the lookout for entertaining run/race reports, how-to/technical articles, editorials, and photos. Just submit your story to>  or<>.  The Deadline for consideration to the next newsletter is always the 10th day of the month.

Your BCRR Board!!!  

Are you stressed, sore, or do you just need a relaxing massage? Contact Peter Blackwell, LMT, a BCRR-affiliated massage therapist. Call (832) 248-2339  and let him know you're a BCRR member when you book your appointment.

How would you like to see your own advertisement above in this weekly email? For all personal or business advertising inquiries, please send an email to our treasurer