BCRR Bayou Bash Relay
CONGRATULATIONS to the winning Bayou Bash Relay Team - Loris Fusi, Lisa Thompson, Paul Shulz, & Scott Moore!!! Thanks to all who participated and volunteered. Hopefully this is the first of many in-person BCRR events!
2021-2022 BCRR Board Elections
CONGRATULATIONS to your 2021-2022 BCRR Board:
President: Lisa Thompson
Vice President: Katherine Culbert
Secretary: Steve Hassan
Treasurer: Sarah Austin
Members at Large: Mirka Jalovcova, Christina Young, Joel DuBois/David Piper, & Sheila Ramamurthy
2021- 2022 Membership Renewal
It’s time to renew your BCRR Membership for the 2021-2022 Running Season!!!
We will be using a new platform for Membership Renewal this year so everyone must create a NEW MEMBERSHIP. Please DISREGARD the instructions for renewal on the RunSignUp Webpage
Click HERE to renew your membership.
Membership Costs: ($5 Discount for HARRA Members)
Individual Membership: $30
Family Membership: $35
New Members:
We would like to give a giant welcome to the newest members of BCRR, Katherine Culbert! We look forward to seeing you when club activities resume!
BCRR Birthdays:
Happy Birthday to:
Christopher Delehanty - May 18th
Bill Lindsey - May 23rd
Hope you have a spectacular day!!!
Happy Hour - Canyon Creek
(May 21st, 2021) - Join us Friday evening at Canyon Creek (6603 Westcott St), an outdoor bar close to our favorite running location with craft beer and country fare foods. Meet starting around 7PM. Post a message to Facebook if you’ll be there earlier!
**If you have a Happy Hour Location selection - Please email Christina!**
Sunday Breakfast – TBD
The coffee shop at HEB has closed permanently. Check Facebook for this week’s Sunday Breakfast spot until a new location has been determined.
Please note that times and locations have changed.
Mellow Monday Run:
Location: Memorial Park Tennis Center
Time: 7PM
Details: Join us every Monday for a 3 mile casual paced run around Memorial Park & dinner to follow.
Wednesday Run:
Location: First Christian Church
Time: **6:30PM**
Details: We are not permitted to utilize the restrooms within the church at this time.
Friday Speedwork:
Location: Memorial Park Tennis Center
Time: 5:30AM
Details: Contact Peter Griffiths for more information-
Sunday Long Run:
Location: Memorial Park Tennis Center
Time: 6:30AM
Details: Water will be placed in the 2 traditional locations - Shell Gas Station & Rose Garden.
Following the Sunday morning run, join BCRR at HEB on Washington (3663 Washington Ave) for coffee and breakfast! There is an outdoor patio to sip your coffee and chat with friends.
**Please note that in cases of inclement weather, i.e. thunder & lightning, group runs will be cancelled for safety reasons. Check the BCRR Facebook Page for the latest updates on run cancellations**
If you are feeling ill, have a fever, or have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend club runs for 2 weeks.
~BCRR Board