Tuesday, February 1, 2022

BCRR Weekly Update 1/31/22-2/6/22


Good Morning Bayou City Road Runners


The Word from the Bird


HARRA Spring Series


New Members


Let's give a giant welcome to the newest members of BCRR! 

We look forward to seeing you at the next club run or social event!


Happy Birthday!


This week's birthdays:

  • February 1: Andrew Young
  • February 2: Sue Schulz
  • February 3: Robert Thompson
  • February 5: Brenda Hilton
  • February 6: Kevin DiVerde, Matthew Nicol, and Alan McClain

Alumni Night!


Join us on Wednesday at Valhalla for pizza and a tab!


Volunteer Request:


For the last 10 years, BCRR has managed the Darling Dash, a local 5K/10K. Mike Mangan and his crew have led the management crew, however it is time to pass the torch. BCRR is looking for a new race manager. MIke will show you the ropes, and the Board will also be available for support. Please email houstonbcrr@gmail.com for more details. 


Volunteer Request:


BCRR will be managing the 2022 Rockets Run, Saturday, February 19th. We will need 25 club members to volunteer that morning to support the race. Volunteers will receive a ticket to a Rocket's game. Please email Susan Cita to volunteer. 


Friendly COVID Reminder


As the number of cases rise, the BCRR Board kindly requests that you receive the COVID vaccination to minimize the risk to yourself and others. Wearing a mask is still strongly encouraged. Please maintain social distancing prior to and following club runs. 


Sunday NEEDS Hydration!


Who likes water during the Sunday long runs? Especially in the summer! Our Sunday morning hydration team could use a little more help as people go on vacation. Please contact Loris - Loris0105@yahoo.com for more information on how to volunteer!


Weekly Club Runs


Mellow Monday


7pm at Memorial Park Tennis Center for a 3 mile casual paced run around the Park and dinner to follow


Wednesday Run


6:30pm at First Christian Church for a 3-6 mile run around Rice University and Hermann Park followed by drinks at Valhalla


Friday Speedwork


5:30am at Memorial Park Tennis Center. Contact Peter Griffiths for more info


Sunday Long Run

6:30am at Memorial Park Tennis Center for a 10-12 mile supported run with water at 2 locations followed by breakfast


**Please note that in cases of inclement weather, i.e. thunder & lightning, group runs will be cancelled for safety reasons. Check the BCRR Facebook Page for the latest updates on run cancellations**


If you are feeling ill, have a fever, or have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend club runs for 2 weeks. 


Bayou City Road Runners

PO Box 66196, Houston, TX 77266