Monday, February 13, 2023

BCRR Weekly Update 2/13/23 - 2/19/23

Greetings Bayou City Road Runners

The Word from the Bird


If Not You, Who? If Not Now, When?

Please consider raising your hand to volunteer (or consider how would the club survive without volunteers!). It's great fun, and it's a great way to make new friends! This year, it's time for fresh blood to lend a hand. How about YOU?!


Current highest need for volunteers:

  • Rockets Run 5K (THIS Saturday, Feb 18)
  • Darling Dash 5K (Feb 26)
  • Bayou City Classic 10K (March 4)
  • BCRR President (2023-2024 season)
  • BCRR Treasurer (2023-2024 season)

For details regarding these volunteer opportunities see below, or visit the BCRR Volunteers Page.


Rockets Run Rock$

21st Annual Rockets Run is THIS Saturday

  • Saturday, Feb 18, 2023
  • Volunteer Crew Arrival: 6 AM
  • The Annual Rockets Run at Toyota Center is a 5K run and runners finish on center court inside Toyota Center
  • BCRR volunteers help earn financial benefits for our club!


Join BCRR rock stars Susan Cita, and Joe & Hope Sellers, this weekend!
For many years BCRR has provided a large number of volunteers to support this event, and this year the club is seeking about 30-40 volunteers for the cause. To join the team contact Susan Cita at

BCRR members AND non-members welcome! All volunteers earn one Rockets game ticket, t-shirt, and admission to the post race party!


Darling Dash, Your Chance for Cash!

DARLING DASH MEMORIAL - Sunday, February 26 at 8 AM, at Stude Park

Learn More:


BCRR has a great History with Darling Dash


This is the 13th year for the Darling Dash and BCRR has helped them by managing the road race. There will be a 10K, 5K and a Kid’s K. The As One Foundation, the race sponsor, is offering a $5 discount when BCRR members register. You must register as follows:

Team Name = TeamBayouCityRoadRunners
Discount code = BCRR

CASH BONUS: The club will contribute $1 for each BCRR entrant until we reach 50 BCRR entrants. A random drawing from all BCRR entrants will win one person the cash!


Volunteer: If you will not be running, please join BCRR's long-time volunteer extraordinaire Mike Mangan on his volunteer crew! 


Each year USA Track & Field (USATF), the national governing body for track and field, long distance running, and race walking in the US, host regional contests to identify area champions of the sport. Yesterday, at the University of Houston, USATF held the Southwest Region Masters Track & Field Indoor Championships and several BCRR's members and friends made strong showings! Shown above, Allyson Serrao and Milan Jamrich pose with the many medals they earned. To see more images from the event, check out Milan's Sunday post on the club's Facebook page HERE. To learn more about the organization, visit USATF Masters HERE.


Running Warehouse Discount

BCRR is proud to welcome our newest supporter; and we invite all our members to take advantage of the special 10% discount BCRR members enjoy on most items at


Discount Code: See members' email


New Members

Know a running enthusiast or fan that would make a great addition to the club? Invite them to join us! We're always happy to welcome new members to BCRR! 


Happy Birthday!

This week's birthdays: 

  • Feb 14: Karen Finkelman-Hasson and Andrea Milbourne
  • Feb 15: Katherine Culbert
  • Feb 16: Dexter Handy, Margie McCarthy, Robert Swanson, and Amy Tan
  • Feb 17: John Lin
  • Feb 18: Helena Cheng and Mirka Jalovcova 

Social Calendar

This week's “Happy Hour” is going to be at Wild (1609 Westheimer Rd), a hip bar/restaurant/coffee shop with a distinctive twist, and hemp-derived infusion options! Join us Friday night starting about 7 PM. Watch the club's Facebook page for details and updates. 


Post on Facebook if you will be early!


Sundays Need Hydration Support

Who likes water during the Sunday long runs? Especially in the summer! Our Sunday morning hydration team could use a little more help as people go on vacation. Please contact Loris at for more information on how to volunteer!


Friendly COVID Reminder

As the number of cases fluctuates, the BCRR Board kindly requests that you receive the COVID vaccination to minimize the risk to yourself and others. Wearing a mask is still encouraged. Please maintain social distancing prior to and following club runs. Additionally, if you are feeling ill, have a fever, or have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend club runs for 2 weeks. 


Want to share your race results with the club??

Email Scott Bounds - - with your race results and we will start publishing race results in the weekly email! 


Weekly Club Runs

Mellow Monday

7pm at Memorial Park Tennis Center for a 3 mile casual paced run around the Park and dinner to follow

Wednesday Run

6:30pm at First Christian Church for a 3-6 mile run around Rice University and Hermann Park followed by drinks at Valhalla

Friday Speedwork

5:30am at Memorial Park Running Center. Contact Peter Griffiths for more info

Sunday Long Run

6:30am at Memorial Park Tennis Center for a 10-12 mile supported run w/ water at 2 locations followed by breakfast at Starbucks (1300 Post Oak Park Drive)

**Please note that in cases of inclement weather, i.e. thunder & lightning, group runs will be cancelled for safety reasons. Check the BCRR Facebook Page for the latest updates on run cancellations**


If you are feeling ill, have a fever, or have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not attend club runs for 2 weeks. 


Bayou City Road Runners

PO Box 66196, Houston, TX 77266