Monday, June 24, 2013

BCRR This Week, June 24th through July 1st, 2013



BCRR Birthdays This Week: Maggie Cordova (June 26), Lauren Svoboda (June 29), Jesman Devia (July 1) and James Reed* (July 1).   * = New Age Group
Have a very happy birthday!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

BCRR This Week, June 17 through 24, 2013



BCRR Birthdays This Week: Don Brenner (June 19), Kim Gray (June 20), Lauren Wilder (June 23) and Richard Verm * (June 24).
* = New Age Group
Have a very happy birthday!

Now is the time of year to renew your BCRR dues. When you renew your BCRR dues don't forget to also join HARRA so the club can claim you points at the HARRA fall and spring races and continue to be the number one running club in Houston. Renewing is easy and can be done online. Just visit our website and click on the Join The Club tab (which is the same as renewing). 

 HARRA Memberships expire at the end of June and if you renew before your's expires, you can get a $5 discount. Your membership gets you discounts for many races and discounts for shoes and clothes at local merchants. To renew, go the HARRA web site and on the home page, login (look on the middle of the right side for the Member Login link). Then:
Click on "MyInfo" and then "Change Membership Plan"
Click on "Continue"
Under Membership Options - Select either
Early Individual Membership
Early Family Membership


Monday, June 10, 2013

BCRR This Week, June 10 through 17, 2013


In honor of National Running Day this weeks Valhalla tab was sponsored by BCRR. We had lots of potential BCRR members who regularly run at Rice stop by our hydration station and express interest in our club. Thanks to all who stopped by and helped out especially Susan Cita and Joe Lengfellner.

BCRR Birthdays This Week: Rebecca Verm (June 13), Jonathan Zwickel (June 14), Sharon Prentice * (June 15), Jay Hendrickson * (June 16), Lloyd Luco (June 16), John Wacasey and Andrew Kenworthy (June 17)   * = New Age Group
Have a very happy birthday!

BCRR..... "where the women are strong and the men are good looking"..... well maybe just half right. BCRR really took home the hardware at the HARRA Banquet on Sunday night and our women especially dominated. 

In the Club Competition we won the Overall Club Award, Masters Female, Veteran Male and Veteran Female. In Team Competition we won the Overall Team Award, Masters Female and Veteran Female.

In the Runner of The Season Competition Shelly Grahmann finished third place Open, Anna Helm finished third place Masters Women, Jody Berry finished second place Veteran Female and Ed Fry finished second place Veteran Male. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

BCRR Awards Slideshow 2012-2013

Running and Service Awards for the 2012-2013 running year presented at the Awards Banquet May 29, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Year in Pictures Slideshow 2012-2013

BCRR - The Year In Pictures 2012-2013 Video by President Rosie Schmandt.

If you missed the slideshow at the BCRR Annual Banquet (or if you just want to see it again), here it is for your viewing pleasure! Thanks to Rosie for creating such a great photo montage of our various activities and thanks to all of you for making BCRR the best running (and playing) club in Houston!

BCRR This Week, June 3 through 10, 2013


Welcome New Members: Maggie Cordova, Andrew Young, Yonghong Bai and Tom Whillans.


In honor of National Running Day this week's Valhalla tab will be sponsored by BCRR.  We will also be manning a hydration table along the running trail near the church to try to recruit some new members.  If you see some new people at Valhalla please say hello and make them feel welcome.


BCRR Birthdays This Week: Steve Hannson (June 7), Caryn Honig (June 8), Fred Steves (June 8), David Ost (June 10) and Carol Schmidt (June 3).  * = New Age Group
Have a very happy birthday!


Thank you to all who came out to St. Arnold's and enjoyed the awards banquet on Wednesday. Special thanks to John Phillips for emceeing the event, the organizers and volunteers that helped set up and congratulations to our winners. The board for next year will be pretty much the same as last year except it includes all new At-Large members.  Thanks to Susan Davis, Kate Phillbrick, Eric Pace and Jim Wiedemer for serving last year.  We will miss you.

2013-2014 Board
President - Rosie Schmandt

VP - Bob Thompson

Secretary - Sam McMurtrey
Treasurer - Susan Cita

Members-At-Large - Heidi Zimmerman, Andrew Kenworthy, Andrew Young and Patrick Flaherty.