BCRR Birthdays: David Ost (June 10), Carol Schmidt (June 10), Jonathan Schulz (June 10), Jessica Gregory (June 13), Jonathan Zwickel (June 14), Sharon Prentice (June 15), Jay Hendrickson (June 16), Lloyd Luco (June 16), John Wacasey (June 16), Andrew Kenworthy (June 17) and Don Brenner (June 19). * = New age group
We would like to make the following corrections to last weeks email message about the award winners at out annual banquet.
Marathon Party was hosted by Sue Leone and Alan Svoboda and was assisted by Cheryl Verlander and Chuck Bracht, Mary Feniello and Ralph Feniello
Heather Hofstetter received a well deserved award for all of her hard work co-writing the monthly club report in the Texas Runner & Triathlete. Thanks Heather!